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The Dumping-Based Unfair Trade in World Trade Organization WTO

€ 32.5

Veröffentlicht: 2020-04-13
Kategorie: Business and Economics
Beschreibung Bewertung abgeben


As one of the unfair procedures, dumping acts as a tool for illegal competition used by some of enterprises in foreign market and it can destruct domestic production sectors of importer countries. Whereas general regulations of World Trade Organization (WTO) have emphasized on accepting of free trade system and thus reducing of tariff barriers and required member states to coordinate their economic and legal structures with regulations of this organization so the risk has been increased for occurrence of dumping. The antidumping WTO agreement includes some measures e.g. enforcement and imposing of additional levies to fight against this anti-competitive activity that is taken usually with the request from domestic producers by the governments. The unfair trade procedures are some measures based on unfair method in which the goal and result are creation of disorder in the market and injury to benefits of commercial partners. In these procedures, the competitive potential is noticeably increased for the goods that enjoyed unfair measures. The government may not play role in dumping while the commercial enterprises import their products at price lower than usual value to capture market from their rivals. Thus, this main research question is proposed: What are the foremost strategies in WTO to tackle with dumping problem? In response to the major hypothesis, it has been emphasized on this point that presentation of countervailing duties, subsidies and civil liability are the foremost solution to fight against dumping in WTO.

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