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General Definition of the Rest Energy

$ 42.5

Published: 2024-11-22
Category: New Release
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If the rest mass of a sub-atomic particle, according to the famous Einstein equation, is described by its own electromagnetic energy then can we describe a community of these particles by a similar equation? By other words: can we describe a very dense colony of these sub-atomic particles by zero kinetic energy, such that the electromagnetic energy, the quantum term and the gravitational potential are all equal zero? This research discuses this question and surprise answer was: yes we can. I found the evidences of this answer in the primordial universe and the early solar system. In this book you can fined: 1- Alternate relativistic relations 2- Alternate solution for the light elements abundance 3- Alternate origin for the solar system. I found that the current orbitals and physical properties are matching perfectly with my theory.

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