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Studying soil as a natural body requires an understanding of soil profiles. The fundamental units of morphological research are vertical cross-sections of soil profiles. Soil horizons are first primarily used to characterize soils which have evolved into a genetic and diagnostic entity. Following their deposition in soil, PAHs go through a series of transport/mixing, partitioning, and degrading processes that ultimately control their vertical distribution in the soil.
Thus, the primary goal of this study is to determine the amounts of PAH concentrations in the soils that were gathered from three distinct locations in Nigeria. Second, isomer compositions and ratios will be used to carry out source apportionment. Finally, utilizing PAH ratios, the vertical distribution features of PAH compositions and concentrations in six chosen typical soil profiles will be investigated, along with their sources.
Also, the horizons on each continent were examined, a guide to investigating toxins dispersion in soil. It requires six parts namely, part 1, explains various horizons found on each continent across the globe. Part 2- gives a quick overview of some factors affecting soils and literature. Part 3- shows the necessary materials and methods employed in this study. Part 4- comprises 4a, 4b, 4c, and, 4d, where the results obtained were discussed and their risk detailing unfolded. Part 5 – demonstrates why the results, and Part 6 – gives critical points to justify the study.
In general, toxins dispersion could infiltrate groundwater, soil, and air. However, the main focus is to reduce the level of impurities on the soil layers. This will help in food security, water protection, eco-system stability, and above all human safety.