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Sugar Palm Fiber-Reinforced Composite

$ 42.5

Published: 2022-03-18
Category: Technology and Engineering
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Currently, the availability of polypropylene, elastomer and sugar palm fiber (Arenga pinnata) is very abundant, which has a good impact on the potential for the development of new composite materials that have good properties and characteristics. Composites are generally a new material composed of two or more different materials with the aim of producing a new material that has better properties than the constituent material. In this study, polypropylene (PP) plastic and elastomer were used as a composite matrix reinforced with sugar palm fiber (Arenga pinnata). The purpose of this study was to determine the value of tensile strength, impact strength, and bending strength, of composites with a weight fraction of 20 % (80:20), 30 % (70:30), and 40 % (60:40). Based on the results of the research on hybrid composites of polypropylene and fiber-reinforced elastomers, composites with a weight fraction of 20 % (80:20) got the lowest tensile strength value of 1.153 MPa, while composites with a weight fraction of 40 % (60:40) obtained the highest tensile strength value of 2,613 MPa.

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