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All Aspects of Nursing Care are Equally Important

€ 60

Publicado: 2025-01-29
Categoría: Nowe wydanie
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Modern nursing began to develop in the 19th century as a moral practical component of patient care, and in the second half of the 20th century, it affirmed itself as a separate occupation. Lifting nursing education to the academic level has paved the way for further development of nursing, and nursing affirms and defines itself as an autonomous profession, and nursing ethics as a separate discipline. Nurses did not allow the scientific rise of nursing education to the academic level to lose the "core" of the nursing profession - care for the patients. In the care of the patient, their families have an important role in the measurement which modern medicine and health allow that. Nurses and families have to cooperate in health care for the patients. Nurses are constantly following innovations and new technologies to use them in all forms for health promotion, disease prevention, and better quality nursing and treatment. The application of innovation is necessary in improving the quality of the healthcare process as well as nursing education. Problems in conducting health care, lack of staff and equipment insufficiency, as well as medical errors and omissions, motivate nurses and healthcare workers to research and find new solutions. In the process of providing health care, it is most important for a patient to feel safe. Regardless of his health conditions, nurse have obligation to provide the highest level of health care quality.

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