Strategic Management In the Organizational Culture of Private Universities
€ 32.5
In the Peruvian university educational environment, it is necessary to monitor management indicators, improve performance and competitiveness levels. Therefore, the aim is to determine the level of incidence of strategic management in the organizational culture of a private university. The method is descriptive-correlational with a non-experimental design with a non-probabilistic sample whose evaluation instrument was a self-elaborated survey that was applied to 60 university teachers. The results show that 58.3% consider that the achievement of objectives of the current management is regular, 83.3% qualify that the level of motivation of the management is regular and 76.7% indicate that the organizational culture in their institution is deficient. Therefore, strategic management has a representative influence on the organizational culture providing tangible results evidenced in the achievement of institutional objectives, allowing leaders to face new changes in the environment.