The definition of the content of local history is still problematic. Until the second half of the previous century, local history was viewed as a rather negligible subset of academic history. In addition, there is the wrong impression that local history is about places of high historical status. On the other hand, games should not be treated merely as a way of entertainment nor should be considered that are aimed only at young ages. The participation of an individual in games has an essential effect in his psychological state. In this sense, it is a remarkable factor in the formation of human personality. The boom in the video game industry from the 90's onwards gathered even more interest in research and in terms of their impact in education. The results of these surveys provided very interesting data. The impact of digital games is great and they were expected to gain ground very quickly in the educational range, both at school and academic level. Don’t bother me! I’m learning my History through a digital game: Research and Theory provides a clear and concise theoretical overview of the field of digital games and local history from a cross-disciplinary perspective. Taking into account research and theory from areas as computer science, humanities, education, folklore and game design, this book aims to synthesize work related to the content and the importance of local history, as well as the value of digital games, comparing them to traditional teaching. In the second part of the book, are presented the implementation and the results of a research in which, the Local History of Nisyros was taught using printed material, board games and digital games. T