The Role of Green Supply Chain Processes: Green in-store Processes and Sustainability of Large Retailers in Pakistan
€ 45.5
In present, applying environmental friendly method in your supply chain management in any sector is quite emerging decision. Through this research we have covered the big retail sector of Pakistan in order to find the interrelationship between green in store Processes, green supply chain management and performance outcomes. The measures we took for Green in-store Processes were water & energy management (E&W), waste management (WM) and green consumption (GC), for green supply chain management we took green purchasing (GP), green logistics (GL) and cooperation with supplier (CWS) as measures while for Sustainability we have taken economic (ECO), environmental (ENV) and social (SOC) performance outcomes as a measure and we further find the link between triple bottom line (TBL). In order to get long term profit big retailers in Pakistan also International retailers should focus on environmental problems and must try to execute green practices in order to generate profit and loyalty.