


Gunther Kletetschka

GK was born to Bozena Monika Ziskova and Gunther Porges Kletetschka in Litomerice town, part of former Czechoslovakia, had two children, received his undergraduate degree in physics in 1989 and degree Rerum Naturalium Doctor (RNDr) in math and sciences from Charles University (supervisors: Karel Pec,Miroslav Krs, and Alena Janackova), 1994 M.S. degree in geology and geophysics from University of Minnesota (supervisor: Subir Kumar Banerjee), 1998 Ph.D. degree in geology and geophysics, supervisor: James Stout). Worked at Goddard Space Flight Center, Catholic University of America, Delaware University, Howard University, National Research Council, National Institute for Standards, National Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Charles University-faculty of Science, GI-ASCR, Charles University-faculty of math and physics, University of Minnesota, University of Alaska-Fairbanks.

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