


Prof. Inge S. Helland

Inge S. Helland was born on June 14, 1947 in Bergen, Norway.
He spent a research fellowship at The Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen in the fall 1971, but then turned into statistics, and took his cand.real. (master) at the University of Bergen in 1973. He was University fellow at the University of Bergen from 1973 to1978. Then he was associate professor of statistics at the Agricultural University of Norway, later Norwegian University of Life Sciences from 1978 to 1983, and full professor the same place from 1983 to 1996. He obtained his dr. philos. degree from the University of Oslo on limit theorems for stochastic processes in 1980, and was professor of statistics at the University of Oslo from 1996 to 2012, when he retired. His research covers many areas in applied and theoretical statistics, in the latter years also the foundation of quantum theory.

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