


Folasade Odekunle

Folasade Odekunle is a doctoral student in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. She is also a lecturer in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning (URP) at Bells University of Technology, Ota, Nigeria where she served as Pioneer coordinator of the URP programme for 3 years. She also serves as a Course Advisor and College examination and timetable coordinator. Miss Odekunle received her B.Sc (Geography), Murp (URP), and Mphil (URP) from the University of Ibadan. Her current research is on Land use planning and informal settlement. Folasade Odekunle has published in several academic journals including Ibadan Journal of Urban and Regional Planning, Covenant Journal of research in the Built Environment, Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management, Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences and in Referred proceedings of CIB-W 107, International conference organized by School of Technology at North Carolina, Agricultural and Technical State University (USA) and the National University of Civil Engineering in Hanoi, Vietnam. She is a Registered Town Planner (RTP), Nigeria. Also she belongs to several professional organizations including Nigerian Environmental Study Team (NEST), International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) U.S.A, Royal Town Planning Institute’s (RTPI) - Environmental Planning and Protection Network (London), Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (MNITP), and Research and Development Institute (R&D Network). Her areas of research interest include Environmental Resource and Conservation, Urban Issues and Planning, Sustainable Development, Assessment of Environmental Effects, Gender and Environment.

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