
Author Interview with Sandra Brožová

Author of the book:"Mezinárodní koordinace sociálního zabezpečení: výzvy a přílezitosti pro 21. století"


1. Please introduce yourself. What would you like your reader to know about you?

My name is Sandra Brožová, I am 31 years old and come from Prague, the Czech Republic, where I work in public administration. I studied International Economic Relations, being a life-long learner, passionate writer, curious traveller and foreign languages explorer.

2. What is your inspiration/motivation?

The world in which we live, the everyday reality that the society has to face, newspaper headlines or Nobel Prize winners’ articles, fresh air in the forest and sunset at the seaside.

3. How long did it take to complete your research from the idea to the book?

The book is about international social security coordination which is realized by EU Regulations. The amendment proposed by the European Commission regarding this legislation in 2016 was the first impetus for me to elaborate the subject. The book was finished in 2021, so it took about 5 years of research and evolving the ideas into structured text.

4. What's the main message of your book?

The social policy implementation is a rather stable and gradual process not featuring far-reaching changes. However, it it inevitable these days to cope with phenomena such as gig economy, platform work, dependent self-employment or after-brexit relations.

5. What was the most unexpected conclusion you came up with during your research?

There are considerable numbers of migrant workers worldwide that are not covered by social security coordination at all. These sophisticated mechanisms are mostly at the disposal of residents and citizens of well developed and high income countries.

6. How would you describe your publishing experience with Eliva Press in a few words?

The publishing house offers a wide range of services and presents very valuable outcomes - regarding the quick communication in English, the overall quality of the book and the fast delivery.

7. It was a pleasure to meet you here in Moldova! Could your share your impressions with us?

Moldova is very colorful and attractive country for everyone who enjoys both city breaks with tracing European history and countryside tracks. As my traveler’s target is to visit every single European country, I could not miss Moldova and loved it! The country has a great potential for the future which is enshrined in the well qualified young generations. The next target is to improve my Romanian and Russian language competences.

