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Prof. Fortunato Vesce

Fortunato Vesce, former Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Head of the Ob & Gyn Unut at the University of Ferrara (Italy), after his retirement  continues  scientific and clinical profession, with particular commitment in the field of recurrent miscarriage and late complications of pregnancy. He authored numerous peer reviewed articles inherent his discipline, and the following books:
- Poesie ostetriche (Fausto Fiorentino Editore, Napoli, 1999)
- Dialoghi della memoria (L’Autore Libri, Firenze, 2003)
- La vita come esperienza di pesca (Aracne, Roma, 2007)
- Agguato di nostalgia (Albatros, Roma, 2016)
- Dei sensi e dell’intelletto – Poesie (Albatros. Roma, 2020)
- Cose che le donne dovrebbero sapere (Aracne, Roma, 2021)

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