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Ahmed Mahmoud Elshenhab

The author is a lecturer of pure Mathematics at Faculty of Science at Mansoura University in Egypt. In addition, he is currently a Ph.D. student at School of Mathematics at Harbin Institute of Technology in China. He received his M.Sc. degree in pure Mathematics at Mansoura University. He also received his B.Sc. Degree in Mathematics with the grade of "Excellent with Honor" at Mansoura University. His research interests include dynamical systems, ordinary and functional differential equations, functional analysis, the theory of partial differential equations, and dynamic equations on time scales. Recently, he has also become interested in advanced control systems, fractional differential equations, and stochastic systems. He served as a guest editor and reviewer for international journals. He has published many peer-reviewed papers in SCI journals internationally.

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Bücher des Autors

Ahmed Mahmoud Elshenhab Time-Delay Systems and Their Applications € 54.5

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