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Tatjana Čunko

Tatjana Čunko graduated in Musicology and Music Journalism from the Zagreb Music Academy in 1986, where she obtained her master's degree in 2004 with the theses Instrumental music in Croatia in the 17th Century and earned her doctoral degree with the theses Croatian Music and Croatian Radio (published in 2012).  She is one of the editors of the monograph Varaždin Chamber Orchestra 1994-2004 (2004), the author and editor of the monograph Varaždin Chamber Orchestra 1994-2014: Two Decades of Enthusiasm (2014) and she contributed to the monograph Eight Decades. 1930-2010. Symphony Orchestra of Croatian Radio and Television (2010). Since 2019 she has been a lecturer at the Zagreb Music Academy, and  in Summer 2020 she became a researcher in the Department for the History of Croatian Music of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 

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Tatjana Čunko Art Music and Croatian Radio € 45.5

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