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Pragya Rakshita

Pragya Rakshita (b. 1997) is a Gold Medallist from the National University of Study and Research in Law, Ranchi, India for her B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) degree earned in 2021. She has a seat at the University of Essex in their 2022-23 batch of LLM in International Human Rights Law.
She has several papers published in SCOPUS indexed and other journals, magazines and online platforms. Her interests lie in the field of international human rights law which she dreams of making future generation more sanitized towards through her research and publications, teachings, and seminars as a Professor of Law.
Her immediate family consisting of K.S.S. Kanhaiya (father), Amita K. Sinha (mother), Avichal (brother) and Anubha Raj (sister-in-law) includes two engineer-MBAs and three Law graduates including her. Her hobbies include reading and writing, with a special enthusiasm for English literature.

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Bücher des Autors

Pragya Rakshita Human Rights: Footprints in Law € 45.5

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