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The Altruism of Migdad Saad to the Global Community: Education Accessibility in Low Resource Economies, Quality Assurance and Food Security

€ 38.5

Veröffentlicht: 2022-08-21
Kategorie: Education
Beschreibung Bewertung abgeben


The author after diligent research and several discussion sessions with Migdad Saad, the memories took him back to the days of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy who during his inauguration in 1961 argued with his fellow Americans to work together in pursuit of progress and elimination of poverty but also to win the ongoing cold war against communism. He said, "Ask not what America can do for you; ask what you can do for your country". Individuals have contributed and shaped their countries! Countries like the USA have been identified among the wealthier countries because; the service sector is highly productive, advanced manufacturing industries, and having world-class research and development. In Russia, many individuals' whose standards of living have improved since the year 2000 almost for two decades because of natural resources like gas, crude oil, and energy. Inclusive education has also improved and equipped citizens to be skilful and knowledgeable and capable of working in different industries.

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