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Banking industries and BASEL accord: A measure for maintaining capital adequacy

€ 32.5

Veröffentlicht: 2021-10-05
Kategorie: Business and Economics
Kategorie Finance
Beschreibung Bewertung abgeben


This research study explores how the implementation of BASEL accords could help in strengthening the capital adequacy ratio such that the percentage of Non-Performing Assets (NPA) in banking industries may be controlled/ reduced. A short comparison of the various Basel accords since its inception has been placed to explicate how alteration over time has been provisioned in the norms to infuse the minimization of various risks associated with the banking industry which has led to its winding up of operations across the globe. Special attention has been given to the pro-cyclical effect and market risk, which has continued to be one of the major causes for increasing the rate of Non-Performing Assets (NPA) and thereby adding to the aggregate risk profiling of the banks. This research paper thus attempts to examine how non-Performing Assets percentage could be checked in the banking industries such that the breakeven point for non-performing assets may cease to increase and accordingly strategies be deployed such that the banks may maintain their capital adequacy. This research book further analyses and presents gaps in each of the above areas which need to be filled by future researchers to achieve a better and more useful bank regulation.

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