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Modeling the Ecorche Human Figure in Clay: A Sculptor's Guide to Anatomy

€ 60

Veröffentlicht: 2021-06-19
Kategorie: Art
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This book is meant for those people or artists, Sculptors, Painters, or Students studying human anatomy or Fine Art. As a Sculptor, Netra Khattri has made this book with the language of Art (Sculpture), how muscles attach to the human skeleton, and from where the muscle originates and inserts with muscle function.
Initially, Netra Khattri thought of human muscles as sculptures, beginning to end with skeletons, partial muscled figures, and the origin and function of muscular structures. For example, the reader can look at the skeleton to see how the bones and muscles are constructed in this process of evolution and metamorphosis.
Nevertheless, there are more interesting facts in human anatomy than here. The difference between this book shows the Ecorche sculpting process is finished anatomical references rather than, other anatomy book shows drawings of muscles attach with bone and structures of human anatomy.

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