Geological and Geophysical Integrated Study of Western and Central Tripura: For Identification of Hydrocarbon Plays and Prospects
€ 64.5
The main objective of this book is to give a proper understanding to the readers/scholars/students regarding the petroleum prospect and Drilling challenges (to develop a pore pressure and fracture gradient prediction strategy) of Central and Western Tripura. This book contains a details discussion on Integrated Technique using regional information, outcrop study (dip and strike information) seismic data, geochemical data, well log data and pressure data for hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation.
The mission of the book is to understand new drillable prospects on the top of the anticlines using 2D and 3D models derived from balanced cross – sections. Available scanty seismic, geochemical and log data will be integrated to strengthen the model and make of more robust. The prediction of pore pressures from seismic, well data and log data are also included in this book to develop a safe well plan and design for the new plays and prospects.