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Principles of Management for Medical Professions

€ 45.5

Veröffentlicht: 2021-06-15
Kategorie: Management
Beschreibung Bewertung abgeben


Management is essential for any organization. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities are businesses that rely on good management and administration to keep them running. A healthcare administrator is a high-level employee who manages various aspects of a healthcare facility. Being a healthcare administrator is typically a stressful job working to provide both quality services to patients and assuring the financial viability of the facility. The authors address important issues including the basics of managements including functions of managements, communications, time management, leadership, staffing, decision making, corporate meetings, conflict management and effective report writing as the healthcare administrator is responsible for planning, coordinating and supervising the delivery of healthcare services in clinics, hospitals, public health agencies and managed care organizations.

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