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Central Bank Digital Currency: Legal and Regulatory Issues

€ 45.5

Veröffentlicht: 2022-06-26
Kategorie: Business and Economics
Beschreibung Bewertung abgeben


The development of new technologies has begun to power a currency revolution, just like the development of the steam engine fueled the Industrial Revolution. The advent of cryptocurrencies, which aim to decentralize credit in federal and governmental systems, has prompted central banks and governments around the world to launch projects to develop centralized digital currencies known as “Central Bank Digital Currency” (CBDC). This book aims to examine CBDC from a legal and economic standpoint across various jurisdictions. The Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the People’s Bank of China, and others will be examined because they have expressed an interest in establishing a CBDC or have taken active measures to regulate privately issued crypto-assets.

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