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Populism and Other Shadows of Democracy: Theory and Policies

€ 54.5

Veröffentlicht: 2021-12-20
Kategorie: Political Science
Kategorie Philosophy
Beschreibung Bewertung abgeben


Populism has extensively been analysed, but its true meaning and policy applications can still be debated, especially in conjuction with other main cultural currents, namely postmodernism, postmaterialism and materialism. If one might expect another hermetic piece of political science, this is not the case here, as a more approachable, inspired by older philosophy, political writing shows up.
Chapters of the book include populism: cosceptual discussions, possible affinities with revolutions and actual policies in political regime, media, culture, education, etc.; materialist and neo-materialist underpinnings of modern politics which suppress human will and involvement in social change; ethics and politics, i.e. the (non)ethics of populism, postmodernism and materialism and the necessity to draw an ethical baseline; language and discourse, e.g. the application of the ''rule of simplicity'' to language; social and political consensus which, unless applied to fundamental democratic principles and procedures, may enhance populism; applicability and usefulness of political science to practical politics due to the unique research subject, the suitable methods of analysis and the relative autonomy of the science.

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