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Author Interview with Ali Ahmad

Author of the book: "Relationship of the National Assembly With the Executive and Judicial Branches: Nigeria’s Experience Under the 1999 Constitution"


1. Please introduce yourself. What would you like your reader to know about you?

My name is Ali Ahmad. I have been involved in academic activities as well as politics. I teach Constitutional Law and Legislative Studies in Nigeria. I have also participated in elections, becoming a presiding officer at the legislative branch at the sub-national level and a member of Nigeria's House of Representatives at the national level. It is a demonstrable fact that one may achieve more in a purposeful governance than spending years advocating for a position.

2. What is your inspiration/motivation for writing?

I long for a stable society where humans of different shades live in peace and how law may contribute to achieving that vision. The highest level of governance is the relationship between the three branches. That relationship is highly fluid in Nigeria.

3. How long did it take to complete your research from the idea to the book?

The idea about understanding the troubled relationship among the three arms developed during my active involvement in governance as  a state and federal legislator. However, writing the book took about 7 months.

4. What's the main message and idea of "Relationship of the National Assembly With the Executive and Judicial Branches: Nigeria’s Experience Under the 1999 Constitution"?

The major focus is to highlight the variance between constitutional provisions on powers of each branch, and how one branch has managed to become dominant, subduing the other two. This phenomenon has adversely affected development of democracy and good governance in Nigeria.   

5. What was the most unexpected conclusion you came up with while preparing "Relationship of the National Assembly With the Executive and Judicial Branches: Nigeria’s Experience Under the 1999 Constitution"?

It is surprising that research shows how the judiciary unwittingly contributes to emasculation of its branch and that of the legislature. By constantly exercising judicial discretion in favour of the executive, that branch has become emboldened beyond the contemplation of the Constitution and the judiciary itself is now being haunted.

6. How would you describe your publishing experience with Eliva Press in a few words?

It has been impressive so far. Going through all the stages has been seamless and I commend the organisation. I particularly appreciate Ms Olga Sabazova who constantly reminded me of deadlines and other necessary steps. I will recommend them to all.


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