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A Review on Combined Economic Emission Dispatch Integrating Renewable Energy Resources Stochastic Wind and Solar

$ 45.5

Published: 2022-10-04
Category: Technology and Engineering
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Combined economic emission dispatch (CEED) problems are among the most crucial problems in electrical power systems. The purpose of the CEED is to plan the outputs of all production units available in the electrical power system in such a way that the cost of fuel and polluted emissions are minimized while respecting the equality and inequality constraints of the system and efficiently responding to the power load required. The rapid depletion of these sources causes limitation and increases the price of fuel. It is therefore very important that scientific research in the last few decades has been oriented toward the integration of renewable energy systems (RES) such as wind and PV as an alternative source. Furthermore, the CEED problem including RES is the most important problem with regard to electrical power field optimization. In this study, a classification of optimization techniques that are widely used. 

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