Mastering Scale Development
$ 89.5
Sridhar Manohar
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This book provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to the scale development process, focusing on its application in service industries. It presents an integrated research design that combines qualitative and quantitative methods to create valid, reliable, and context-specific measurement scales. Aimed at researchers and practitioners, the book emphasizes the crucial steps in scale development—item generation, item purification, and validation—ensuring the robustness of scales used across various service sectors.
The process begins with qualitative methods, such as focus group discussions and in-depth interviews, to identify key factors affecting service innovation in industries like education, banking, and retail. These insights form the foundation for item generation, where measurement items are carefully crafted to reflect the unique challenges and opportunities within service industries.
The next phase focuses on item purification. The book guides readers through expert evaluation and statistical methods, like factor analysis, to refine and validate the generated items, ensuring clarity and reliability. This step is vital for improving the accuracy and relevance of the scales.
The final stage of scale development involves validation, where the scales undergo rigorous testing for convergent and discriminant validity. The book provides practical techniques for conducting these tests, ensuring that the scales measure the intended constructs and are free from overlap with unrelated variables.
Through empirical testing and real-world examples, the book illustrates how these scales can be adapted for use in various service industries.
Ultimately, Scale Development in Action fills a critical gap in service research by offering a comprehensive, actionable framework for developing and validating measurement scales. Whether you're new to scale development or looking to refine existing tools, this book equips you with the methodologies needed to ensure reliability, validity, and applicability in service Research.