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Nrf1, serving as a Highly-Conserved Determinon for Robust Redox Homeostasis

$ 49.5

Published: 2025-01-27
Category: New Release
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Differential and even opposing functions of two major antioxidant transcription factors Nrf1 and Nrf2 (encoded by Nfe2l1 and Nfe2l2, respectively) are determined by distinctions in their tempospatial positioning, topological repartitioning, proteolytic processing, and biochemical modification, as well as in their shared evolutionary origin. As a matter of fact, the allelopathic potentials of Nrf1 and Nrf2 (both resembling two entangled ‘Yin-Yang’ quanta that comply with a dialectic law of the unity of opposites) are fulfilled to coordinately control redox physiological homeostasis so as to be maintained within the presetting thresholds. By putative exponential curves of redox stress and intrinsic anti-redox capability, there is inferable to exist a set point at approaching zero with the ‘Golden Mean’ for the healthy survival (i.e., dubbed the ‘zero theory’). A bulk of the hitherto accumulating evidence demonstrates that the set point of redox homeostasis is dictated selectively by multi-hierarchical threshold settings, in which the living fossil-like Nrf1 acts as a robust indispensable determinon, whereas Nrf2 serves as a versatile chameleon-like master regulon, in governing the redox homeodynamic ranges. This is attributable to the facts that Nrf2 has exerted certain ‘double-edged sword’ effects on life process, whereas Nrf1 executes its essential physiobiological functions, along with unique pathophysiological phenotypes, by integrating its ‘three-in-one’ roles elicited as a specific triplet of direct sensor, transducer and effector within multi-hierarchical stress responsive signaling to redox metabolism and target gene reprogramming. Here, we also critically reviewed redox regulation of physio-pathological functions from the eco-evo-devo perspectives, through those coding rules (redox code, stress-coping code, and topogenetic code). The evolving concepts on stress and redox stress were also further revisited by scientific principles of physics and chemistry, apart from two novel concepts of ‘oncoprotists’ and ‘reverse central dogma’ being introduced in this interdisciplinary and synthetic review.

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