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Earthquake as a Nonlinear Phenomenon

$ 64.5

Published: 2025-03-06
Category: New Release
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This book is written for a wide readership of Physicists, Mathematicians, Geologists and Geographers. Basic concepts of earthquake are highlighted and captured in mathematical equations. In fact, earthquake is the sudden release of energy in the earth's crust, resulting into violent vibrations. The use of of linear mathematical theory is quite limited for a comprehensive analysis of earthquake dynamics. Consequently, the modelling of earthquake phenomenon based on nonlinear mathematical equations give us the leverage of predicting its occurrence and minimizing the risks on the vulnerable population. This scientific work equally elucidates on the sudden appearance and disappearance of oceanic rogue rogue waves, based on the Burridge-Knopoff earthquake model. The impact of magma up flow on the evolution of seismic wave is brought into sharp focus. A practical application of earthquake model to automobile brake system is highlighted, in order to further explain on the elusive problem of disc brake squeal noise.

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