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Sayantan Dasgupta

Sayantan Dasgupta is a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki in Finland. His PhD deals with an existential semiotic exploration of James Joyce´s Dubliners. He is originally from Kolkata, West Bengal. In 2021, He was awarded a fellowship from the Finnish National Agency for Education (Government of Finland). Alongside, he is a permanent member of the Semiotic Society of Finland (Suomen Semiotiikan Seura) and cultural affairs specialist at the Academy of Cultural Heritages (Finland-Greece). He has worked as a co-editor of the volume Transcending Signs: Essays in Existential Semiotics (De Gruyter Mouton, 2022) and Semiotic Society of Finland has published a collection of his poems, entitled, Silence: Poems Written in and on Finland, in 2022. In the same year, He also received a scholarship from Universty College Dublin, Ireland, on the occasion of the Ulysses Gathering.

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