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Catarina Jota Baptista

Catarina Vinhas Jota Baptista was born in 1995, in Lisbon, Portugal. She is a PhD student in Veterinary Sciences in UTAD, and a researcher in CITAB and IBIOMED. Her research areas include wildlife health, toxicology, pharmacology and comparative medicine. She won the Rudolph Ippen Young Scientist Award in 2022. The other three coauthors are her phD supervisors. Fernanda Seixas is an Assistant Professor in UTAD and researcher in CECAV. José M.Gonzalo-Orden is a Full Professor in ULéon and researcher in IBIOMED. Paula A. Oliveira is an Associated Professor in UTAD and researcher in CITAB. 

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Catarina Jota Baptista Wildlife Research for a Healthier Future € 42.5

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