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Prof. André Freire

Professor in Political Science (PS), Director of the PhD in PS, 2015-present, and of the Bachelor in PS, 2009-2015, ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon. He has taught and/or presented conferences as a guest at several Portuguese and foreign universities. Director of the Observatory for Democracy and Political Representation, and of the Research Line IV, Politics and Citizenship, both at CIES-ISCTE. 
Freire has directed several research projects on ideology, electoral behavior, institutions, political reforms, as well as political representation. On these subjects has published abundantly, nationally, and internationally (about 30 books and 100 articles). 
He was a regular columnist in the Portuguese press (Público, 2006-2016, and Jornal de Letras, 2017-2021), and has been a guest consultant for several national and EU institutions.

(Crédito Foto ©Gerardo Santos/ Global Imagens)

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