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MEDICINE AS LIFE: Gynecological topics for female awareness: Pap Test, ‘Pill’, Inflammation, Miscarriage, Cesarean Delivery, COVID

€ 45.5

Pubblicato: 2023-04-30
Categoria: Health Care, Medicine
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Scientific discoveries, although beneficial for some, cannot be blindly applied worldwide, because they can be dangerous for others. The Medical Art has the aim of choosing the right therapy in relation to the real needs of each individual. The imposition of general sanitary measures by governments in the name of a false democracy is contrary to the most elementary rule of Medicine, the exercise of which must be left free to the clinical doctors, to whom it belongs. Measurement can be a useful tool of clinical research. However, if deprived of the proper philosophical framework, becomes useless. Most conflicting results in the scientific literature stem from errors in the study design. The widespread blind application of statistics lacking a solid philosophical basis, without adequate selection of the patients and without comparison with a control population, produces astronomical gains for some investors, but is a shame for the medical research. 

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