Land Acquisition in India - Role of Stakeholders Under RFCTLARR Act 2013
€ 75
Land acquisition is a big challenge. The book is intended to place the successful and failure cases of land acquisition as a knowledge sharing for the people working in the field as well as the academicians and for the researchers. The author shared his experience in stake holder management and the issues experienced during the Land acquisition, Resettlement, Rehabilitation and Gram Sabha as well as public hearing in different projects in Odisha with a simple and direct tone of participation. The case of POSCO the biggest FDI in India, case of Kalinga Nagar industrial complex a hub of multiple capacity steel industries, challenge of gram Sabha in Vedant Lanjigarh, provisions of different important sections in new LA Act (Right to fair compensation and transparency in land acquisition, rehabilitation and resettlement act 2013(30 of 2013) in India are key subjects for discussion in the book. Law of Eminent Domain and the definition of public purpose is the Important driving force for land acquisition in 21st century. Land Acquisition is one of the driving factor for economic development in India; implementation of new LARR act is the challenge of 2020. The articles were earlier published in web base journal Looking to the demand and need of circulation Eliva Press joined hand with the author to bring all cases in one book for a focused reader of specialized practitioners and researchers. This book is unique in the field with a detail narration of cases; hence will be very useful for the readers.