Employees' Perception of Fairness and Satisfaction with Performance Appraisal Systems in Nepal Govt.
€ 85
Performance appraisal systems have become an essential tool of Human Resource Management and a component of Performance Management Systems in organisations in modern days. Performance of people management has been considered one of the responsible work of managers as he/she executes other functions in the organisation. This study aims to understand and examine the relationship between employees’ perception of fairness and their satisfaction with the PAS implemented by the NCS, GoN. Survey questionnaires were distributed using random sampling techniques. Data were captured using a structured questionnaire sent to 650 CS (although the total required sample size for the study was 361) in 22 different offices of NCS aiming to obtain the minimal sample needed size comfortably. Collected data has been studied based on four OJ dimensions as independent variables, and three components of employees’ PA satisfaction as a dependent variable. Similarly, the demographic characteristics of the employees have been treated as moderating variables. Data analysis was conducted using Excel and SPSS, to carry out descriptive analysis & inferential statistical tests to examine the proposed hypotheses. The findings of this study highlighted that the NCS has used fairness or OJ elements at a moderate level in his present PAS. But, there is still more space is open for further improvements. Specifically, the GoN has to pay more concentration to improvement in the relationships between interpersonal justice (Int_J) & Satisfaction with PAS including its all components. Likewise, other issues are also indicated in the relationship between Dis_J and Satisfaction with PAS including with its all components as well as in the relationship between Pro_J and Satisfaction with PAS including with its all components, to some extent. Relating to the demographic controlling variables, the study exhibited that within the groups of organizational level had found a moderating relationships between the overall OJ and the overall satisfaction with PAS in the NCS. In brief, this study disclosed that fairness of performance appraisal does affect employee’s satisfaction in the PAS in an organisation, too.