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Hydrodynamic Instability in a Liquid Layer with Permeable Boundaries: Influence of Gravity Variation

€ 45.5

Publicado: 2022-03-25
Categoría: Science
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In this book, the reformulated equations of the classical theory, as derived by Banerjee et al. [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 175 (1993)], to establish mathematically, the existence of hydrodynamic instability in single diffusive bottom heavy systems, when considered in the more general framework of the boundary conditions of the type specified by Beavers and Joseph [J. Fluid Mech. 30 (1967)], in the parameter regime α2T0 > 1, where T0 and α2 being some properly chosen mean temperature and coefficient of variation of specific heat at constant volume due to temperature variation of the fluid, respectively is considered.

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