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Digital Transformation in Arbitration

€ 42.5

Publicado: 2024-07-22
Categoría: Nowe wydanie
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In a rapidly evolving legal landscape, technology is poised to revolutionize the arbitration process. With innovations like Blockchain, Smart Contracts, ChatGPT, and Online Dispute Resolution making their mark globally, the legal industry stands at a crossroads of opportunity and risk. This book delves into the potential and pitfalls of integrating AI and other advanced technologies into arbitration, scrutinizing whether these tools can truly rival human intellect and application. Focusing on the expediency and barriers to technological inclusion, the study evaluates AI's effectiveness in interpreting complex legal scenarios through practical prompts. While international arbitration has embraced these advancements, India has only recently begun to adapt to these changes post-COVID-19. This comprehensive analysis explores the domestic and international acceptance of technology in arbitration and questions whether AI can replace human arbitrators. Can technology provide justice and deliver effective results? Or is the human touch irreplaceable when navigating the complexities of legal disputes? This book offers a nuanced perspective on the role of technology in arbitration, ultimately concluding that while AI and other technologies offer significant benefits, they cannot wholly supplant human arbitrators in understanding the intricate facts and circumstances of each case. Join us in exploring this grey area where technology meets justice.

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