Design and Fabricaton of Solar Powered Refrigerator
€ 37.5
Energy consumption increases very rapidly as the world is developing. The ever increasing energy consumption worldwide makes it urgent to find new ways to use the energy resources in a more efficient and rational way. Solar energy is currently a subject of great interest, and refrigeration is a particularly attractive. Thus, systems that have the ability to harness solar energy, as the refrigerating machines, present themselves as interesting alternatives in an intelligent energy management. In one embodiment, the refrigeration System includes a photovoltaic panel, batteries, a compressor, and an insulated enclosure. The photo voltaic (PV) panel converts Sunlight into DC (direct current) electrical power. The DC electrical power which is converted to AC (alternate current) power drives a compressor that circulates refrigerant through a vapour compression refrigeration loop to extract heat from the insulated enclosure. The performance of the system depends upon these system components. The main objective of the project is to increase the performance of the system by increasing the heat transfer rate through the evaporator. This experiment involves the fabrication of 28 liters capacity of domestic refrigerator which in turn results in the coefficient of performance which is 4.89. Applications of this project cuts across various disciplines such as storing medicines in remote areas, and areas of absence of conventional electricity.