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Language Maze in the Cognitive Domain: Interdisciplinary Studies on Language, Discourse, Sociocultural Cognition, and Education

€ 54.5

Publicado: 2023-03-27
Categoría: Edukacja
Categoría Studia języków obcych
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Chapter I, II, and III analyse the syntactic role of Chinese de-morpheme which may engage in the parameters of head-final and head-initial schemas. The study suggests that one type of de is assumed to be a complementizer and one type may be considered a genitive case marker with the property of determiner.
Chapter IV focuses on the transitivity of English verbs in association with voice and provides a circular method for Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). Chapter V examines the structures of ditransitive construction in English and possible ways of passivisation based on the properties inherited by such verbs.

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