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Open Innovation System, Sustainable Economic Growth and Competitiveness

€ 32.5

Publicado: 2021-10-30
Categoría: Biznes i Ekonomia
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The opening of the innovation system through trade, integration and foreign direct investments being recognized as determining for developing countries competitiveness improvement (Lundvall, 1992, 2015). This book was the subject of sustainable competitiveness of African countries analysis based on the Open Quintuple Helix (OQiH) growth model specification.

Thus, the systemic innovation framework of competitiveness for achieving sustainable economic growth has been developed. This framework supposes binary interactions between governmental and industrial spheres, university and societal, and finally environmental and opening one which leads respectively to the three dimensions of sustainable development which are: economic, social, and ecological. These interactions contribute to the generation of clean or green technological innovation for achieving sustainable growth and competitiveness.

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