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Maria Luisa Ruiz Del Castillo

Dra. Ruiz del Castillo is Scientific Research at ICTAN-CSIC in Madrid (Spain) since 2005. During the first years of her research career, Dra Ruiz del Castillo centered her studies on the development of novel analytical methodologies capable of determining the chemical composition of foods in a more reliable and quicker way. Since then, the research career of Dra. Ruiz del Castillo has been focused on the relationship between diet and health. In particular, her research has been addressed to the development of a new agronomic procedure based on the treatment with natural phytoregulators to enrich plant derived foods in health-promoting compounds including polyphenols, fatty acids and aroma compounds. From 2019 to present, her research has dealt with the influence of cooking and processing on these compounds in foods enriched in bioactive compounds such as anthocyanins and carotenoids. 

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