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Jiří Vaníček

Jiří Vaníček, doc. RNDr. CSc (associate professor). 2018 - and so far University of Economics, Prague, 2011 – 2018 Silesian University in Opava, Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, Institute of Gastronomy, Spa Management and Tourism, 2005 – 2011 College of Polytechnics Jihlava, university lecturer, department of tourism), 2005 – 2008 College of Polytechnics Jihlava, vice-rector for R&D and foreign relations, 2000 – 2005 South Bohemian University, Tábor, university lecturer, department of tourism. 1990 – 2010   Member of the Town Assembly and the Town Council in Tábor. 1990 – 1998 Chairman of the Association of Czech, Moravian and Silesian Historic Towns. 1992 – 1998: Czech representative at the Congress of Local and Regional Bodies of the Council of Europe. During last eighteen years I published about 250 papers in professional journals and lectures in conferences scientific (art

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