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John E. Ziolkowski

    Coming from Alabama, I attended Duke University (1954-1958) and graduated with a degree in Greek.  From there I went on to study classics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where I received a PhD in 1963, writing my dissertation on Thucydides and the tradition of funeral orations in Athens.  I taught at Randolph Macon Woman’s College for three years and then moved to the George Washington University in Washington, DC., where I taught all levels of undergraduate Latin and Greek courses plus many courses in English translation.  I stayed there for forty years (retiring in 2007), while serving as Chairman of the Classics Department for half this time.  My publications have centered on classical influences on Washington, literary studies and, more recently, similes.

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Livres de l'auteur

John E. Ziolkowski Similes in Lucretius and Vergil: A Compendium € 64.5

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