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Adelayo Akeem Jolaoye

Jolaoye Adelayo Akeem was born in Iwo, Osun State, Nigeria on 3rd October, 1978.  He has B.Sc (Urban and Regional Planning), MEM (Environmental Management), PGDE(Education) and M.Sc (Urban and Regional Planning;ongoing). He is a corporate member of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) and a Registered Town Planner with Town Planners' Registration Council of Nigeria (TOPREC). He currently lectures in the department of Urban and Regional Planning, College of Environmental Studies, Hussaini Adamu Federal Polytechnic, Kazaure, Nigeria. His research interest stradle urban studies, regional analysis and transportation. Also, he lectures Urban planning practice and techniques in school. Jolaoye has attended and presented conference papers locally and internationally on areas of his research interest. In addition, he has served in different capacities in his place of work.  

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