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Fred Awaah

Dr. Fred Awaah (Accra,1976), is member of faculty, University of Professional Studies – Accra. With 20 peer revieed journal papers, 6 bbok chapters, 4 technicl reports, 1 conference proddeing, 5 conferenc abstracts, over 50 international conference and over 80 news papers articles, Fred is noted for collaborative research especially within the African region. His studies gravitates around higher education management, public administration, entreperneruship and STEM education.
Dr. Awaah had previously helped with the work of the education divisions of the African Union, European Union, Association of African Universities(AAU), UNESCO, DAAD, Institute of African Culture and International Understanding, Trust Africa, MasterCard Foundation, and many African governments in both consulting and non-consulting positions.Specifically, Fred has delivered invited lectures at Botho University (Botswana and Lesotho) as a consultant for the Association of African Universities/SIDA. He has also delivered lectures at Crawford University (Nigeria) as a consultant to the AAU/ECOWAS. He also served in a consulting position  as a member of the Tuning Africa Policy Advisory Group from 2013-to 2016, 

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