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The COVID-19 and the Restructuration of the International Trade in Century XXI

€ 38.5

Publié: 2021-05-10
Catégorie: Business and Economics
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This book is divided into eight chapters. The objective of this book is to show the impact of COVID-19 on the international trade worldwide. This first chapter explains each chapter of this book. The second chapter shows the extensive damage of COVID-19 in the market economy. This chapter elaborates on different points of view about the impact of COVID-19 on the reduction of the massive consumption and spending gradually and thoroughly. In the fourth chapter evaluates how often COVID-19 wavescan generate unpredicted short-macroeconomic-shocks anytime in the short run. The chapter fifth proposes to evaluate the negative impact of COVID-19 on international trade exchange worldwide. The sixth chapter presents a new methodology for studying trade closedness from a global pandemic such as COVID-19. The chapter seventh tries to evaluate how a global pandemic can increase any country's external sector vulnerability. According to chapter eighth the damage of COVID-19 from China to the rest of the world economy is costly and countless.

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