CFD in Engineering Practice: Applications to Environmental, Energy, Process Design, and Industrial Safety Problems
€ 85
Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD is the analysis of systems involving fluid flow, heat transfer and associated phenomena such as chemical reactions by means of computer-based simulation. This is the only way to obtain solutions for practical applications of the Navier-Stokes equations in three-or four-dimensional space-time frame. The technique is very powerful and spans a wide range of industrial and non-industrial application areas, such as: • aerodynamics of aircraft and vehicles: lift and drag • hydrodynamics of ships • power plant: combustion in IC engines and gas turbines • turbomachinery: flows inside rotating passages, diffusers etc. • electrical and electronic engineering: cooling of equipment including micro-circuits • chemical process engineering: mixing and separation, polymer molding • external and internal environment of buildings: wind loading and heating/ventilation • marine engineering: loads on offshore structures • environmental engineering: distribution of pollutants and effluents • hydrology and oceanography: flows in rivers, estuaries, oceans • meteorology: weather prediction • biomedical engineering: blood flows through arteries and veins. Increasingly CFD is becoming a vital component also in the design of industrial products and processes.