Allometric Relationship for Estimating Above Ground Biomass and Nutrient Stock in Heritiera Fomes of the Sundarban, Bangladesh
€ 38.5
The Sundarbans is the world’s largest single tract of mangrove forest and rich in both floral and faunal diversity compared to other mangroves of the world. Heritirea fomes is the dominant species of the Sundarbans, which alone constitute 21% of the forest area. Allometric equations were used to estimate the above ground biomass of various parts (stems, branches, leaves, bark and total biomass) of Heritiera fomes saplings and poles. This study tested different linear regression equations with Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) as independent variables. All the regression equations were significant (p<0.05), but highest R2 (0.93-0.98) and F-values and lowest MS error were observed for Log10y = a log10(x) + b. The best allometric models were selected by considering the values of parameter of estimation such as R2, CV, Rsme, MSerror, Sa, Sb and F-value. The best fitted allometric models for Leaf, Branches, Stem without bark, Bark and Total above ground biomass were Log L = 1.91 Log DBH – 1.32, Log Br = 2.44 Log DBH – 1.23, Log S = 2.09 Log DBH – 0.55, Log B = 2.09 Log DBH - 1.38 and Log T =2.15 Log DBH - 0.36 respectively. Comparatively higher amount of carbon was observed in stem and bigger branches whereas as the lower content was observed in bark. Nutrients (N, P and K) concentration significantly p<0.05) varied among the plant components and comparatively higher concentration of nutrient was observed in leaf whereas as the lower content was observed in stems. The selected allometric models for Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium and Carbon were Log N = 2.02 Log DBH - 0.14, Log P= 2.15 Log DBH + 0.02, Log K = 2.09 Log DBH + 0.37 and Log C = 2.15