Cybercrime – A Criminological Perspective
€ 38.5
Cybercrime is dissimilar as well as comparatively more atrocious than traditional crimes. It is evident that as ICT is expanding, cybercrime is also increasing exponentially. This expansion brings a lot of changes as well as transformations from conventional strategies to electronic means. Research encompassing cybercrime will be an important area to investigate, as society has evolved in being more dependent on technology. The rewards for even simple cybercrime can be immense for what is relatively little effort. The advancement of technology will certainly lead to a transformation of cybercrime which is why, some prefer to think of cybercrime as an ever changing set of behavior. One should be careful not to overestimate the potential harm of cybercrime. Where, technology could be programmed to be beneficial, it could equally programmed to be harmful. Author’s intention is to critically view the adverse effects of cybercrime on individual’s life as well as on society. In contemporary era, this work to an extent, will assist in understanding the modus operandi behind cybercrime and its repercussions.