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€ 38.5

Publié: 2022-10-25
Catégorie: Education
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This study aimed to assess the level of interest of elementary learners in using RCISian E-aklatan Mobile Application. The study used survey questionnaire to determine the assessment of the respondents in terms of: Reading Time, Reading Engagement and Reading Materials. This also sought to find out the challenges encountered by the respondents in using the RCISian E-aklatan. The respondents of the study were the learners from Kinder to Grade 6 who were selected randomly and Teachers who were selected purposively. It utilized the descriptive research design. Since it’s pandemic, the survey questionnaire was digitally distributed to the participants as the main tool to gather the data needed.

The study revealed that the assessment made by the respondents were relatively High as it pertains to level of the learners’ reading interests. It also showed that there is a significant difference between the assessment of the two groups of respondents in the level of reading interests of learners. On the other hand, there is no significant relationship between the assessment of the two respondents in terms of reading time, reading engagement, and reading material. Challenges encountered mostly are none. However, some had the difficulty in using the application because there is gadget limitation at their end. Also, internet connection was also a challenge for them.  The result of the study was utilized in crafting an action plan to be used to integrate RCISian E-aklatan in the school’s reading program. It is also recommended to introduce it to other schools in the district.

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