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Annu Tomar

Dr Annu Tomar, Professor (Management, ITS, Gzb), Reviewer (Redfame Publishing House, USA), Member (IFERP, CTPD and RGate) along with reseracher with 11 yrs of experience in teaching courses in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels and research work. she also have been awarded Best Teacher Award 2013 and Best Reviewer in 2022 respectively. prior to that she was associated with IPU, Delhi and IIM Rohtak, Haryana. she also published various international, national, ABDC research papers, chapters, case studies, patents in HR domain. she still deeply engaged with various academic and research & Publication work for self development and organizational growth Supervised various projects. she also edited various newsletters, study materials, journals as a co-author. She also organized one international conference on topic “CSR”.

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